Title: Brief Summary Information About Services


  • Briefly introduce the topic of the article.

  • Engage the reader with an interesting hook or question.

Section 1: Channeling

  • I connect to my intuition to allow messages to flow through me that are beneficial for your spiritual path and life. These messages come from, source and guides of many forms.

  • All sorts of information can come through. Messages about who is trying to contact you, next steps on your path, info you’re interested in, things you need to know for you life, inner work that is needed and more.

  • If you would like to learn to channel it’s first important, to work on discernment, do inner work, practice mindfulness and learn how to follow you intuition. The more stagnant energies you let go of and the higher your vibration raises the clearer and clearer your channel will become if that is a path you are guided to.

Section 2: Mediumship

  • I allow space for and connect to loved ones that have passed. I then pass along any messages that come through for you.

  • Loved ones and ancestors can be guides. Also sometimes in session they come in because they see it would be beneficial for your healing process. If at any time you feel you are not ready for an experience I will honor that. For example if you’re not ready for a message from a loved one I will not pass along the message.

  • If you would like to learn to connect with loved ones it’s first important, to work on discernment, do inner work, practice mindfulness and learn how to follow you intuition. It’s especially important to have the intention to connect with loved ones through the heart and not the mind.

Section 3: Past Life Healing

  • I connect to past lives of yours and help them let go of unresolved energies, pain and limiting beliefs. Since these energies are held in your body you also let go of them in this life as well.

  • Just like parts of us can be stuck, limited, in pain and otherwise burdened in this life, this can happen in past lives as well. Most people are holding onto a lot of emotional pain and limiting beliefs from past lives. These can affect us just as deeply as emotional pain and limiting beliefs formed in this life. It’s often hard for most people to recognize these things because they’ve had them for their whole lives, however it tends to be a great relief to let go of these seemingly life long burdens.

  • If you would like to learn to connect to past lives it’s first important, to work on discernment, do inner work, practice mindfulness and learn how to follow you intuition. A practice that can be helpful is to meditate, gently focusing on the crown with the intention to connect to past lives. Each past life has a corresponding part that is within your physical body and some are in parts of your energetic body not within the physical body. The crown chakra tends to be one of the easier places to connect to a past life, however connecting to any part of you connected to a past life will work. Once connected sometimes just holding space is enough for that part to tell you a piece of their story, other times it can be beneficial to ask that part to tell you or show you things about themselves.

Section 4: Ancestral Healing

  • I connect to your ancestors and help them let go of unresolved energies, pain and limiting beliefs. Since these energies are held in your body you also let go of them in this life as well.

  • Ancestors can hold on to unresolved wounds, limiting energies and limiting beliefs. Sometimes this gets passed down the family line even if you were separated from your parents at birth. The good news is if any of these energies are let go of it then gets cleared by the whole family line. So for example if you, your birth mom and your family line are holding onto old energetic burdens, all it takes to clear the whole line is for anyone holding onto the energy to release it.

  • If you would like to take a step towards healing ancestral wounds/burdens on your own a good place to start would be to connect and develop a relationship with your ancestors. You could research your family line and the culture they lived in. You could create an altar space for you ancestors. You could take time daily in meditation or prayer to hold an intention to connect to your ancestors and learn more about them.

Section 5: Guidance with Ascension

  • I help with ascension in 3 ways:

    - I help you let go of low vibrational energies of many forms. This then raises your vibration. If enough of these energies are released then an ascension process will start.

    -I assist in the release of energies that make ascension processes more uncomfortable and slows them down.

    -I provide tools, teaching and information that are beneficial for your ascension journey. Including how long and when an ascension process may be happening for you.

  • There are 2 categories of ascension:

    -Raising your vibration: The spiritual journey. The more you heal and grow the higher your vibration will raise. Taking care of your body, mind and spirit all raise your vibration. Helping others and being kind raise your vibration. Letting go of limiting energies, beliefs and resolving old wounds raise your vibration. Connecting to guides and following intuition all raise your vibration.

    -An Ascension process: This is a period of time when your energetic body shifts to be able to take on larger quantities of high vibrational energy. Higher vibrational energy also pours into you body during this time. There is no limit to the number of ascension processes one can experience. The first 5 ascension processes that are experienced correlate with the opening of the spiritual chakras. One ascension process per spiritual chakra. The spiritual chakras are different from the main 7 and the many minor chakras. One is below the body and the rest are above the body, past the crown chakra. There are many different categories of energies that make ascension processes slower and more uncomfortable. The first 5 ascension processes can last anywhere from 5 days to 2 months, however I have found that if the proper energies are released before or during an ascension process then it lasts 5 days. It is possible to start and ascension process and open a spiritual chakra without opening the 7 main chakras, however this can be really confusing and uncomfortable during the process. It is highly recommended to open, or at least start the process of opening all the chakras prior to an ascension process. Each spiritual chakra is connected to a different aspect of spirituality. Sometimes when one opens a spiritual chakra they get new gifts. Each ascension process for someone is going to be different from the others. Also each person experiences ascension differently. Since the flow of energy and energetic body is changing the main 7 chakras tend to be unstable during an ascension process. When an ascension process is complete it will be easier to resonate with a higher vibration lifestyle

  • Possible symptoms of an ascension process (Especially the first 5):


    -difficulty sleeping

    -a wired and tired feeling

    -any symptom associated with an imbalance in any of the main 7 chakras

    -an excitable mind and or body

    -you may experience surges of ideas

    -you may want to make big life changes immediately(I suggest waiting until the current ascension process is complete before acting on any big life changes)

    -a symptom that is unique to you

Section 6: Parts Work

  • I connect to source, guides and different parts of your subconscious. I do this to help your parts learn, wake up to the nature of reality, heal, let got of limiting beliefs, let go of limiting energies and burdens.

  • We have many different parts of us. It’s already common in language: “A part of me feels this way, a part of me feels that way”. There are multiple forms of parts work. The parts and the core self make up who we are. You can think of the core self as the higher self within you. The core self has the same qualities as everyone else’s core self(See the “8 Cs and 5 Ps of Self” in Internal Family Systems Therapy or IFS). Often times the core self is blended with parts. When this happens whatever part that is on the surface is what feels like “I” in that moment. It can be confusing holding so many perspectives all at once, especially when we think we are one unitary being. Recognizing that there are many parts of us can foster, self-love, self-compassion and lead to more clarity. All of our energetic/emotional wounds and burdens are held by parts. Parts work is about getting deep into the subconscious, letting go of what doesn’t serve, bringing in what does, learning to unconditionally love and moving into your full potential. Imbalances within different parts of us can create discomfort in the physical body and emotional body in many forms. This could mean physical or emotional discomfort.

  • If you would like to start doing parts work on your own there a few things you could do to start. I suggest meditation, grounding practices and learning to connect to your intuition. There are 2 books under the section titled “Parts Work” in the resources tab on this website that are a great source to start parts work under the IFS system. There are also Youtube videos by Derek Scott, Richard(Dick) Schwartz and Richard Lang. It is important to get familiar with the state of Self(Core Self) and with the practices that help you to embody Self. Sometimes parts won’t allow the Self to be fully out. If that’s the case I would suggest getting some assistance, whether that be an IFS therapist or someone like myself that utilizes the fundamentals of IFS for a different form of parts work.


  • Summarize key points from the article.

  • Encourage readers to continue their healing journey.

  • Invite feedback, questions, or sharing of experiences.

About Vibrational Excellence

  • Briefly introduce Vibrational Excellence.

  • Provide contact information or links to resources.

  • Invite readers to explore more services or content offered by Vibrational Excellence.

Feel free to adapt and expand on the sections as needed. Happy writing!